Our support staff is available for up to 12 one-on-one support sessions. Call to reserve a time that works for you.
(513) 607-6083 / (513) 619-0100

Our staff is available for up to 12 couple support sessions. We all grieve differently, especially men and women. We assist couples in navigating how to help their spouse with grief and healing. We do NOT provide marriage counseling. Call to reserve a time that works for you.
(513) 607-6083 / (513) 619-0100

Group support is available virtually and are private to the group only, so call to get the meeting ID and password (513) 619-0100. Currently virtual meetings are held monthly on the second Thursday, 7 pm EST for Pregnancy loss support and on the fourth Thursday, 7pm EST for Rainbow pregnancy support.
A rainbow pregnancy is the pregnancy experienced after the loss of a baby. Grief changes after a “Rainbow Baby” is born, but it doesn’t go away. Meetings are designed for those currently pregnant with a rainbow baby, anticipating becoming pregnant with a rainbow baby, or for those needing support after the birth of a rainbow baby.

Bereaved families join together for a picnic. Bereaved families have their loss in common, this gives all family members the chance to meet and share. It is a good time for all followed by a balloon lift. We will resume our Summer Picnic in 2025.

October is Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month. We hope to resume our event in 2025. Please check back with us.
Heaven’s Gain Ministries (HGM) is a non-profit located at 6269 Harrison Avenue in Cincinnati, Ohio. We are dedicated to help families who have found out that their baby no longer has a heartbeat. HGM helps families with support before, during, and after the delivery of their baby. There is no time limit on grief, so there is no time limit on our support. For more information, call Donna (513) 607-6083 or email donna@heavensgain.org , or call Kim at (513) 619-0100 email kim@heavensgain.org