Peer Support

Kim Kelley, PSC, APPL, CBLFA
Peer Support Coordinator
Certified Advocate for Parents of Pernatal Loss
Certifed Baby Loss Family Advisor
My name is Kim Kelley and I have been facilitating peer support in some capacity since January 2011. I have been married for 19 years and I am the mom of 6 beautiful children on earth ranging in ages of 2-17. I also have 5 angel babies I know are waiting for me in heaven. We lost Bryce at 20 weeks (2009), Maria at 18 weeks (2010), Gavin at 15 weeks ( 2011) Jonah at 22 weeks (2013) and Nadia at 20 weeks (2014). I was called to do peer support after we lost Maria in 2010 after not being able to find support for myself.
I joined the Heaven’s Gain Family in 2014 and currently hold the position of Peer Support Coordinator. In this position, I facilitate meetings four times a month, contact and follow up with clients after a loss, talk to funeral homes about current and future needs, occasionally help with birth plans and offer peer support to anyone needing it.
It is a true personal mission to make sure women and families get the support they need before, during and after the loss of their precious baby.
Contact or (513) 619-0100

Our support staff is available for up to 12 one-on-one support sessions. Call to reserve a time that works for you.
(513) 607-6083 / (513) 619-0100

Our staff is available for up to 12 couple support sessions. We all grieve differently, especially men and women. We assist couples in navigating how to help their spouse with grief and healing. We do NOT provide marriage counseling. Call to reserve a time that works for you.
(513) 607-6083 / (513) 619-0100

Group support is available virtually and are private to the group only, so call to get the meeting ID and password (513) 619-0100. Currently virtual meetings are held monthly on the second Thursday, 7 pm EST for Pregnancy loss support and on the fourth Thursday, 7pm EST for Rainbow pregnancy support.
A rainbow pregnancy is the pregnancy experienced after the loss of a baby. Grief changes after a “Rainbow Baby” is born, but it doesn’t go away. Meetings are designed for those currently pregnant with a rainbow baby, anticipating becoming pregnant with a rainbow baby, or for those needing support after the birth of a rainbow baby.
Heaven’s Gain Ministries
6962 Harrison Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
For longer, uninterrupted, support, it is always best to call for an appointment (513) 607-6083.
Donna: (513) 607-6083
Kim: (513) 619-0100
Email your support questions to us: