Memorial Gifts

The memorials that Heaven’s Gain Ministries offers are not baby urns. These are gifts intended as a remembrance of a baby who has died. They are lovely memorials that show care for a grieving family.

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Baby Innocence: Model of a baby at 12-13 weeks (dark skin tone) M-12BK-Innoc

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Baby Innocence: Model of a baby at 12-13 weeks (dark skin tone) M-12BK-Innoc
Product Details
product ID: Baby Innoc-dk

The Baby Innocence fetal model is an exquisitely crafted creation from world famous doll designer Yolanda Bello. Yolanda's heart is truly with the unborn children of the world. Her design shows the beauty and dignity of a baby so small yet so precious. Baby Innocence is a reminder to pray for the unborn. The baby size is 12 weeks since conception.